quinta-feira, abril 15, 2010

United Nations getting wet

Not that you can tell much from this picture through a rainy window, on a rainy day, where traffic and flooding is sucking so bad that the city is nearly shut down, but there is a UN conference going on here right now.  According to this site, it is the United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.  If my suspicions are right, all these poor people are meeting in tents and inside the building with the loudes tin roof ever in the rain, and are getting water logged walking between their probable hotel (Holiday Inn, the only one in Salvador, across the street) and the convention center.  Last week a huge display of holey lycra was strung up in front, covering the bottom half of this very large building and I wondered why.  Now I think it might be an attempt to decorate for the conference in the traditional manner we do here (minus the tons of balloons), but the quantity of fabric and the hieght of the building were so great that no one bothered to really do the job.  The result is a very peculiar spectacle, visible all the way down to the ocean front.

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