sábado, abril 10, 2010

April showers 2010

About a year ago, I put up a post about the horrible rain and flooding and what not.  Apparently this will now be a yearly or perhaps monthly post.  The rain is back.  It's already caused hundreds of deaths down south.  And it's come to call in Bahia again (although from what I was told yesterday, the news casters are now saying these last three days of rain is just the cold front coming in and are not even dumping what was predicted, YET).  There are parts of the city that have been without power since the rain started on Wednesday and are still, as far as I can tell.  It's kind of the talk of the town.  (fellow Bahia blogger)

So far it's not nearly as bad as it was last year, where the end of my road disappeared, the wall at the French school down the street collapsed, and the sewer over flowed all over the street.  At least, not yet.

There is also the new characteristic of frequent lightning and thunder, not usually a staple of storms here in Bahia.  You have to admit, the clouds coming in over the ocean are pretty scary looking.

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