quarta-feira, setembro 27, 2006

A room with a View

Although be it not such a sought after one. But what a view it is, of 3 lanes of traffic in each direction, full and loud at all hours of the day, complete with graffitti and guys selling bottle of water in the cement median. This hillside actually is quite clean, compared to most dwellings of this type I have seen. Usually it serves as a place to throw trash and refuse of all kinds because favela neighborhoods usually lack good sanitation service. What you can't see in this picture is the narrow staircase that goes up this steep incline to reach the houses at the top. In another 15 years or so, this hillside, or should I say steep cliff, will probably be filled with other house like structures, waiting for the next big rain to dump them all into the street in a big mudslide.

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