domingo, setembro 02, 2007

The world of EFL

I have been sitting on this photo for a while, trying to wait until I got several photos of English schools and then could post a kind of series, but I am demorando too much, so the series will be rather disjointed.

You can't walk through a barrio here without tripping over an English school or two. Every Brasilian studies English in their regular school, but often it is not taught in a way that allows for a student to get much out of it apparently, and most attend a secondary English school in the afternoons. At the end of these courses (can take anywhere between 3 and 6 years to complete) a student generally "graduates" with some sort of certificate declaring them to speak English (although I suspect this is rarely the reality).

Because of this huge market, there are big schools with several branches (ACBEU, CCAA, Cultura Inglesa, etc) and other schools with only one or two branches (too numerous to name). Many of them seem to choose the colors of red, blue, and yellow to decorate and designate their schools, like this one here called Skill. The buildings can range in all sizes, but many seem to be rather on the small side to be a "school." I have only ever been inside of two, both of which were on the large side, so I cannot imagine how a smaller school building is set up in terms of class size or number of classes available.

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