quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006

For the hearing impaired

Such a simple concept, yet almost never seen in the States. This is an ad about voting. It consists of a "teacher" in a class of students telling them how patriotic and easy it is to vote. It's full of these images of Brasilians stepping up as a group and walking around, going into voting posts and casting their ballots, an image that is not all that far off from the reality here (see my video from election day if you don't believe me). And the nice little extra - see that woman there in the lower left hand corner, she's signing all of this for the hearing impaired, because we don't leave ANYBODY in the dark about how easy it is to vote here. Almost all the government sponsered ads I have see are like this, usually with the same woman in the corner. She both mouths the words and signs them. Way to go Brasil! Unfortunately, I'm not sure everyone who is deaf gets educated in common sign language, and I am sure there are some populations who are entirely without television.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

it is a nice touch, however in the states we have closed captions...