It's not usual to see people just sprawled out on sidewalks in the city during the day. The homeless or poor pretend homeless generally have their "beat" they occupy and the traffic signals they prefer to frequent, sending their children to beg for change or anything really there is to offer. There is a gallera who hangs on at the traffic light on Paulo VI near my home who I walk by frequently, who all know me by now, and who generally don't bother me asking for things unless one of them is really hard up for something (the kids just ask regardless, it's in their nature) like juice for the baby or something along those lines. We have a generally amiable relationship, although I do not appreciate the amount of trash they leave on the corner where they hang out. Sometimes I walk by and they are all sprawled out on pieces of cardboard or old mattresses, sleeping at 4 in the afternoon. That is the best time of day to sleep, really. How many of us are just dead tired after lunch? Just find a comfortable and reasonably clean place to lay down, and close your eyes.
This guy found a way to do this which serves two purposes - make sure no one steals your wheel burrow while you sleep, and get off the ground!
At 4 in the afternoon, in the middle of a busy area, buses passing, people commuting, and here he naps and no one will bother him. Que vida boa, neh?